Dear Joseph,
Please be reminded the substitute rules are as below.
1. Only one substitute is allowed in each match. A minimum of 3 original players have to play in each match.
2. A substitute is not allowed to be Skip in any match irrespective of the number of matches played.
3. No team is allowed to play with less than 4 players.
No replacement is allowed.
From: joseph Yeung <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2023 9:53 PM
To: Competition <[email protected]>
Subject: Change of players of Men’s Aitaenhead Fours competition
Dear sir:
The player of Norman Chan TPLBC of Men’s Aitkendhead Four competition is replaced by Bingo Wong. Thank you for your attention.
Joseph Yeung
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回覆︰W4531 GBLBC-A vs TPLBC-A