CONTENTS (Version 6, 25 March 2023)
Article 1. NAME
1.1 The name of the Club shall be called the Tai Po Lawn Bowls Club(大埔草地滾球會).
Article 2. HOME GREEN
2.1 The home green of the Club shall be at Tai Po Waterfront Park.
3.1 To organize lawn bowl training and practices to members of the Club.
3.2 To form teams and participate in lawn bowl competitions, games and other similar activities.
4.1 Anybody who is interested in lawn bowl activity and is willing to abide by the Constitution of the Club can become a member of the Club.
4.2 Application for membership must be made in writing to the Convenor of the Club.
4.3 Nobody shall become a member of the Club unless his application is approved by the Executive Committee (EXCO) members present when the application is being considered.
4.4 Termination of membership of a member shall be raised and approved by the Executive Committee and adopted by the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
4.5 An AGM may, on the recommendation of the EXCO, elect any person(s) to become Honorary Members of the Club, who have, in the opinion of the AGM, rendered signal services to the Club. Honorary members shall be exempt from payment of the annual subscription but shall be responsible for payment for services given or purchases made in the Club. They shall not vote at AGM of the Club, nominate and be nominated for election in Club Elections and be eligible for holding an official position in the Executive Committee. #3
Article 5. PRIVLEGES
5.1 All members of the Club shall participate in and vote at AGM of the Club, nominate and be nominated for election in Club Elections and be eligible for holding an official position in the Executive Committee.
5.2 All members shall enjoy the benefits as set forth in Article 3 ‘OBJECTIVES’ of this Constitution.
6.1 There shall be an annual subscription that is decided by AGM for each member which must be paid to the Honorary Treasurer not later than the last day of April every year. This membership fee may be adjusted by a majority vote of members at any AGM.
6.2 The financial year of the Club shall be from 1st April to end of March each year.
7.1 The supreme authority of the Club shall be vested in the Annual General Meeting (AGM), during the recess of which the Executive Committee (EXCO) shall be the executive organ.
7.2 The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by the Executive Committee, Members of which shall be elected at an AGM and shall consist of:
a. (Repealed) #2,
b. a Convenor,
c. an Assistant Convenor (Men Teams),
d. an Assistant Convenor (Ladies Teams),
e. an Assistant Convenor (Training),
f. an Honorary Secretary,
g. an Honorary Treasurer,
h. 3 Recreation Officers and
i. Captains of Teams #1 – Appointed by Convenor and approved by EXCO.
j. Assistant Captains of Teams #4 – Appointed by Convenor and approved by EXCO and,
k. 2 IT specialists #5 – Appointed by Convenor and approved by EXCO.
7.3 All the Executive Committee members of the Club shall serve gratis. Their term of office shall be 2 years and they can stand for biennial re-elections in consecutive terms. #1
7.4 The functions and powers of the Annual General Meeting are set out below:
7.4.1 To pass amendments to the Constitution of the Club.
7.4.2 To elect Executive Committee members.
7.4.3 To consider and adopt the financial reports of the Club.
7.5 The functions and powers of the Executive Committee are:
7.5.1 To implement the resolutions passed by the Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings.
7.5.2 To attend to the daily affairs of the Club.
7.5.3 To prepare the budget.
7.5.4 To decide on fees and subscription payable by all members.
7.5.5 To make recommendations to the Annual General Meeting.
7.6 The functions and powers of the Executive Committee Members are set out below:
7.6.1 The Convenor #2 shall represent the Club to attend all the Lawn Bowls Association of Hong Kong, China #6 (hereinafter referred to as LBAHKC) council meetings and vote on behalf of the Club.
7.6.2 The Convenor is the person to call AGM and EGM under Articles 8.2 and 8.4. He shall give directions to various officers of the Executive Committee in discharging their duties, take overall charge of the work of the Club and preside over all meetings of the Club.
7.6.3 The Assistant Convenor (Men) shall assist the Convenor in arranging League matches and competitions organized by the LBAHKC for Men Teams. In the absence of the Convenor, he shall assume the duties and powers of the Convenor in competitions and routine affairs of the Club for Men Teams.
7.6.4 The Assistant Convenor (Ladies) shall assist the Convenor in arranging League matches and competitions organized by the LBAHKC for Ladies Teams. In the absence of the Convenor, he shall assume the duties and powers of the Convenor in competitions and routine affairs of the Club for Ladies Teams.
7.6.5 The Assistant Convenor (Training) shall from time to time organize training programmes for all members of the Club.
7.6.6 The Honorary Secretary shall attend all secretarial work, keep the seal and document under safe custody, compile the agenda, record minutes of meetings and arrange venues for home green for lawn bowls League competitions, practice sessions and fun day events.
7.6.7 The Honorary Treasurer shall take charge of the financial matters of the Club. He shall be responsible for collection of members’ dues and compile statements of accounts for consideration at Committee meetings. He shall also compile the annual statement of accounts which shall be submitted to the auditor appointed by the Executive Committee for auditing at least 15 days before the Annual General Meeting when it shall be presented for adoption. Funds of the Club in excess of HK$3,000.00 shall be deposited with a bank designated by the Committee. Valid cheques and other payment authorization vouchers shall be signed jointly by any two of the following officer bearers, namely, the Convenor, the Assistant Convenor (Men) or the Honorary Treasurer. Apart from the recurrent expenditure, monthly extraordinary expenses shall be approved by the Committee before the money is to be used.
7.6.8 The Team Captains shall assist the Convenor and Assistant Convenor in selecting the players of his teams in all League matches, ensuring that sufficient numbers of players in each League game are available, communicating with captains of other Clubs in rescheduling of matches, submitting results of matches to LBAHKC and verifying the results of matches submitted by other Clubs after each match and cherishing the sporting spirits of team members in competitions.
7.6.9 The Recreation Officers #2 shall assist the Convenor in organizing entertainments for members from time to time including fun day events and friendly matches.
7.6.10 The Assistant Team Captains #4 shall assist the Team Captains to fulfill his / her functions.
7.6.11 The IT specialists #5 shall assist the Convenor in managing the Club web page, devising administrative applications, and providing advice in information technology for the Club when necessary.
Article 8. MEETING
8.1 The Club shall in each year hold an Annual General Meeting in addition to any other meetings in that year.
8.2 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March each year and it shall be convened the Convenor. Members of the Club shall be notified of the meeting not less than seven days in advance.
8.3 The quorum of the annual general meeting shall consist of over half of all the members of the Club. In the absence of a quorum the meeting shall be adjourned. All members of the Club shall again be notified not less than seven days in advance of the date of the adjourned meeting. At this adjourned meeting, the number of members present shall be a quorum.
8.4 If necessary, an Extraordinary General Meeting may be held upon the request of at least half of all the Executive Committee Members who shall raise such a request to the Convenor in written form, bearing their signatures. Upon the receipt, the Convenor shall cause the meeting to be held within one month. The notice given to all members, discussion held and resolutions passed at the meeting shall be the same as that of the Annual General Meeting.
8.5 The Executive Committee shall hold a regular meeting bimonthly, and extraordinary meetings may be held whenever the Convenor deems it necessary. For every meeting of the Executive Committee, members of the Executive Committee shall be notified not less than seven days in advance. The quorum of an Executive Committee Meeting shall consist of over half of all the Executive Committee members.
8.6 Motions at all meetings shall be carried by the approval of over half of those present. If a tie occurs in voting, the chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
8.7 If the Convenor is absent from a meeting, those Executive Committee Members present shall elect among themselves a temporary chair person to preside over the meeting.
Article 9. ELECTION
9.1 The Convenor shall call for nominations of new members for the new Executive Committee from all members at least one month before the Annual General Meeting at which the election will be held. Nominations shall be made in writing to the Secretary not less than seven days prior to the meeting, and, if not a self-nomination, be accompanied by the nominees’ assent to nomination. In the event of insufficient nominations received before the time limit, the retiring person shall be eligible for election to their respective posts.
9.2 Despite the provision in Article 9.1, the nomination in writing may not be absolutely required as in circumstances where there is no nomination or there is insufficient nomination. Under these circumstances, nominations of new members by words of mouth and voting by hand during the AGM are considered valid alternative method of nomination.
9.3 The inauguration of the new Executive Committee shall take place not later than the last day of April.
Article 10. USE OF FUNDS
10.1 Funds of the Club shall be applied solely to meet its recurrent expenditure and for the activities set forth in Article 3 “OBJECTIVES” of this Constitution and shall not be used for any other purposes.
11.1 Any debts of the Club shall be borne in equal shares by all Club Members of the term in which debts are incurred.
11.2 The Honorary Treasurer has the duty of informing the Convenor and the Executive Committee of any debt or liabilities owed by the Club. In all circumstances, payments of any debt or outstanding payments owed should not be delayed until such a time when interest is incurred on late payments.
12.1 In case of the Club should be dissolved, it shall be approved by the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting and assented by over half of all members of the Club. Any remaining assets of the Club upon its dissolution shall be donated to local charitable organizations.
Article 13. APPENDIX
13.1 Any amendment to this Constitution shall be passed by the Annual General or Extraordinary General Meeting.
#1 Amendments passed by Extraordinary General Meeting on 14 August 2011.
#2 Amendments passed by Annual General Meeting on 21 March 2015.
#3 Amendment passed by Annual General Meeting on 25 March 2017.
#4 Amendment passed by Annual General Meeting on 31 March 2018.
#5 Amendment passed by Annual General Meeting on 31 March 2019.
#6 Amendment passed by Annual General Meeting on 25 March 2023.