

National Indoor Pairs Competition 2019

The National Indoor Pairs Competition is scheduled to commence in June 2019. Semi-finals and Finals will be held on Sunday, 30th November (Saturday). Venue is CCC.

Format: Sets play. Best of two sets of 9 ends, followed by a tie-break of 3 ends if necessary. Three bowls by the Lead, followed by three bowls by the Skip. Re-spotting rule applied. Full conditions of play will be issued with the draw.

Match dates are to be mutually agreed between the teams and notified to the HKLBA as per schedule to be issued with the draw. A tentative schedule is appended below.

Entries deadline is Friday, 24th May 2019. Entries fee is $200 per tear. Prizes will beawarded to the winner, second and joint thirds.

Club convenors are requested to email the duly completed entries form in MS Word doc format to[email protected] before the deadline via the club’s registered email address.

Entries Form:

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