Dear Convenors,
Please have a look at the following arrangement at CCC, CdeR, HKCC, HKFC, and USRC for the Reunification Cup on 1-2 July.
Catering service at CCC for players of Unification Cup on Saturday 1 July 2023
The club’s bye-laws do not allow members/guests to consume in the premises food/drinks brought from outside. For players’ convenience, on Saturday, 1 July 2023 it is prepared to provide a simple lunch with four choices together with soft drinks in the air-conditioned Braidwood Hall exclusively for players at a reasonable price of HK$65 each. Coupons for drinks at the Lawnbowls kiosk are also available. Players who want to make use of these facilities are requested to purchase coupons with cash when registering for play in the morning.
The club will provide drinking water for free at various locations.
由於紀利華木球會對會員及來賓在會內進食外來食物飲品有所限制, 該會特別在2023年7月1日星期六前來參加回歸盃的球員,以每人港幣$65提供一個有四個選擇的簡單午餐,連同罐裝汽水,於有空調的布雷活廳享用。滾球場的茶水亭亦提供各類飲品, 但需先購買飲品劵,如球員想利用此服務, 請於早上報到時,-起以現金購買餐券及飲品券。
Thank you CdeR prepare the lunch menu for players to order.
On 1 &2 July Reunification Cup, please note that outside food and drinks are not allowed within HKCC premies.
A simple menu for breakfast (which opens at 8.30am) and lunch will be available at the designated dining area. All players can use the octopus card to buy food and drinks at the Sportsman’s mobile counter on the day. Thank you.
For those players who are going to have the game and wish to have F&B at HKFC on 1st and 2nd July, 2023 for the Reunification Cup game, can obtain the debit card by cash from the front office at club lobby.
USRC will no longer be providing disposable paper cups. Please bring your own sports bottle.
Please find the attached file for your record.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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